What is the first book that
made you cry?
“Where the Red Fern Grows” was the first book that made me, not only cry, but hysterically sob. I threw the book across the room and curled up in the fetal position. It took years to talk about the book without tears and involuntary weeping. It was quite traumatic, but in a good way. There have been very few books since that have had such a striking impact on me in the “ugly cry” way. Though, the death of Snape
was a close second.

Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?
I write what I want to read, which is sometimes hard to find in books out there. Not to say they don't exist, just that they are sometimes hard to find. So with that in mind, I deliver original stories to readers like me, looking for the unusual and strange premise and character experience. I love unusual POV characters, antihero protagonists, and unique premises and settings. As a result, I'm quite a genre-hopper, because I get bored easily with things that are too formulaic.
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