The book launch for Trans Liberty Riot Brigade was a smashing success! I had an opportunity to see familiar faces and new ones, and we had an amazing time raising money for Olympia's Rainbow Health Center! We sold raffle tickets and 50% of my first 24-hour proceeds from Brigade are being donated to the Center.

For those who don't know, Olympia's Rainbow Health Center is "a healing space for the unique needs of non-mainstream participants and their network of providers, including transgender; new immigrant families; and unaccompanied refugee minors."
Pretty amazing, huh?
I also almost sold out of all the books I had on hand (I had just enough to cover the other places I needed to send books to!) AND I got to meet some amazing folks from the queer punk band Lavender Scared (details) and transfeminine rapper,

Michete, (you can read more about him/her here). I got myself an awesome "Punk is Gay" shirt and finished the night by celebrating with karaoke with my lovely husband and friends, Erika and Carli (who kindly assisted me during the launch!) The whole event was a true team effort and my friends and family came through in a whole host of ways. I am humbled and grateful for the beautiful tribe I have in my life!
And the best news of all is that we raised almost $400 from the book launch event alone (not including online orders)! So thanks to all who were able to attend, their generosity, and for showing support to a center much needed in our (and every) community!