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  • Writer's pictureL.M. Pierce

Book Launch Success!

The book launch for Trans Liberty Riot Brigade was a smashing success! I had an opportunity to see familiar faces and new ones, and we had an amazing time raising money for Olympia's Rainbow Health Center! We sold raffle tickets and 50% of my first 24-hour proceeds from Brigade are being donated to the Center.

For those who don't know, Olympia's Rainbow Health Center is "a healing space for the unique needs of non-mainstream participants and their network of providers, including transgender; new immigrant families; and unaccompanied refugee minors."

Pretty amazing, huh?

I also almost sold out of all the books I had on hand (I had just enough to cover the other places I needed to send books to!) AND I got to meet some amazing folks from the queer punk band Lavender Scared (details) and transfeminine rapper,

And the best news of all is that we raised almost $400 from the book launch event alone (not including online orders)! So thanks to all who were able to attend, their generosity, and for showing support to a center much needed in our (and every) community!

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Follow along with speculative science fiction author, Lindsay Pierce, for updates on Trans Liberty Riot Brigade, for free novelist author resources, and free science fiction short stories.

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L.M. Pierce | Olympia, Washington

Nine Star Press

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