HAPPY NATIONAL COMING OUT DAY! I hope this day finds you happy, healthy, and most of all, SAFE! For those who have come out, we love you! For those who can't or aren't ready, we still love you! We are here, ready with open arms when and if the day comes as I hope it can for us all <3
We are legit in the fall season! I've eaten apple fritters, been drinking apple cider, and even had a scoop of pumpkin cheesecake ice cream! Now... it's still pretty sunny and warm so my fall attire hasn't come out in full force, but there's been a couple chilly days warranting a fun scarf so there's that. I went to the local Lattins Farm and cuddled goats too. All in all, fall is going really well in the Northwest.

Now elsewhere in the nation...
*sigh* It's been a tough year in so many ways and being in a therapy program, we're talking a lot about "disaster fatigue." It gets so easy to tune out, turn off, and shut down -- we can only take in so much in before we start suffering psychological despair. So give yourself permission to take extra good care of yourself these days. Help when you can, but help yourself too by giving yourself a break and indulging in the things that fill you up and feed your soul. For me, that's been a lot of bubble baths, reading, cuddling with hubby, movies, and loving on goats. Do you.
There IS some good news and updates from my sphere of life:
- I've got some appearances coming up this November. I'll be at Read & Write with Pride, as well as OryCon 39, appearing on panels and having a bunch of signed books for sale!
- I had a couple recent interviews: one appeared in Musae Mosaic Magazine and the second one will appear on E.M. Hammil's (ammaaazing author of Dali) blog in a few days!
- You can (for a short time) get a FREE copy of Trans Liberty Riot Brigade from Story Cartel - free book in exchange for an honest review!
- Convention planning has begun for next year including... *drum roll* DRAGON CON! Super excited for that opportunity and I will also be returning to Rose City Comic Con next year!
- I'm having enamel pins designed *squee* I can't wait to show them to you!

All right, enough of me - get out there and eat some pumpkin + spice + fall goodness! (Might I suggest the apple fritters?)