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  • Writer's pictureL.M. Pierce

Honorable Mention for Brigade!

Quick note to all my subscribers and followers... I'm so excited to announce that Trans Liberty Riot Brigade has received an honorable mention from the Rainbow Awards! What a way to start November :)

Notes from the judges:

1) I loved the voice of our protagonist and looking at the world through her eyes. The stark and colorful language characterized the entire piece beautifully.

2) Brutal and gritty, the story is very well written. It grabs you from the start and holds you until the end.

Seems Andi has made an impression! Huge thank you to all the volunteer judges and sponsors that help make the Rainbow Awards happen! You can check out the honorable mention here as well as check out all the other amazing titles receiving mentions and awards. Also consider donating your time as a judge next year!

Also, a reminder that I will be at Seattle's Read with Pride event, happening THIS weekend at the Seattle Public Library. I'll be in the book fair and appearing on a panel with other lovely authors to discuss non-traditional romance in LGBTQ+ literature. Admission is FREE so come on out and join us in celebrating books :) Here are more details about the event.

Aaaaand because it's NOVEMBER, that means... NaNoWriMo has officially begun! I will be working feverishly on finishing Book 2 of Brigade so join us in the fun and festitivities! I have participated for the last 5 years and never successfully finish, but it's all about the journey, meeting writers, and having fun with the challenge! Get registered on their awesome website for tools, forums, and to find your local meet-up and write-in events!

Happy reading and writing everyone!

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L.M. Pierce | Olympia, Washington

Nine Star Press

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