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L.M. Pierce
Jan 22, 20174 min read
In the Shadow of Violence
I will try and talk about this, though it may not be beautiful and it may not be perfect. The world is an imperfect place so I will allow...
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L.M. Pierce
Jan 20, 20179 min read
A FREE Writer's Social Media Checklist
"Will you write a social media daily checklist for writers please?" This was my morning wake-up call from my beloved BB4L (Book Bitch for...
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L.M. Pierce
Jan 12, 20172 min read
Long Winter & Changes
The winter has been long and I started the fall semester of school in a bit of a funk. I just wasn't ready. I was engrossed in my...
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L.M. Pierce
Sep 9, 20168 min read
ULTIMATE Twitter Contests for Writers Directory!
As a Twitter newb I was thoroughly overwhelmed by the huge and active writers community once I joined. There was so much to learn! So...
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L.M. Pierce
Aug 25, 20165 min read
ULTIMATE Writer & Author Hashtag Guide!
SO MANY #HASHTAGS! #HASHTAG Having just recently joined #Twitter I was bombarded by a swath of new #hashtags to learn and how to use...
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L.M. Pierce
Aug 23, 20161 min read
Pitch Wars & Building Community
This year has been a year of writing firsts and developments in my fledgling career. So what all did I accomplish and experience thus...
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L.M. Pierce
Aug 4, 20162 min read
Pacific Northwest Writers Conference 2016
I attended my first writer's conference! How fortunate I am to have one of the best conferences in the nation right in my backyard--in...
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L.M. Pierce
Jul 18, 20162 min read
The Intelligence of Chickens
When people find out I've written "The Valley of Howling Wind," a novel about CHICKENS, the responses vary from intrigue to scorn. After...
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L.M. Pierce
Mar 12, 20169 min read
Underwater Safety (horror)
**CONTENT WARNING - GRAPHIC HORROR** You're beginning to stir. There’s blood on your head, it’s a bad cut. Are you dead? I hope not...
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L.M. Pierce
Jul 9, 20151 min read
Taking Root in a Hostile Landscape
As I contemplate the scarcity of foliage on the Mongolia steppes, I am reminded that in so many ways, being a writer is like being a...
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